The Path of Tea

Tea chose me many years ago.

Looking back, she whispered to me from behind the bark of my favorite trees that I climbed as a child. She spoke in the waters of the creek I stepped in while looking for crayfish. She sang to me in the dark nights as I walked gently through the woods looking for solitude. 

She came to me in my love for philosophy, for my inclination toward eastern thought, in my attraction for the small, intentional moments when the whole world opens up. 

Tea chose me, called for me, asking me to share her medicine. It took me many years to find my way, many years to allow myself to come back to that which always bloomed inside my heart … but as I arrive here now, today, tomorrow, it is as true as it has ever been. 

I am honored to share this medicine. I am honored to live my Truth. To share the silence and the stillness, to sense that familiar feeling of remembering something you didn’t know you had forgotten. I am honored to walk the way of Tea. 


Learning to Stand Still