“In silence, we are given the opportunity to soften, to turn inward, to listen to the whispers of our own heart, allowing Tea Medicine to guide us.”

Cha Dao, or “The Way of Tea” is an ancient practice used for thousands of years by Daoists and Mystics as medicine, a path toward self-realization, and a form of radical presence. Tea is a non-psychoactive plant medicine and the Spirit of the Divine Feminine whose energy is awakened by hot water. When used ceremonially, she creates a dance for the senses, allowing us to listen with more than just our ears, exploring deeper parts of our selves, coming into contact with the Mystery that exists all around us.

Tea is often called the “Great Connector” for her ability to help us dissolve our old patterns and cracked illusions. Through Tea meditation we wash away the dust of the world, returning back to the Truth of the Heart with new perspective.

Tea is an intelligent Spirit and her medicine is potent — she will meet you as you are in the present moment, with exactly the healing that you need. Every ceremony holds something different. Whether you are a seasoned chajin or new to Cha Dao; Tea has wisdom to offer you.


  • Tea is a beautiful way to come together and share space, presence, and heartfelt intention. This offering is experienced at the Mojave House of Tea. You are welcome to sit alone, or with a loved one. Ceremony can last between 1-2 hours.

    $88.00 investment per person.

  • Tea is an amazing way to gather in community to connect deeper with one another in celebration, in grief, or to mark a date in time. From birthdays, to new and full moons, wedding showers or just because. This offering can be experienced at your location of choice and Ceremony lasts between 1-2 hours. Space is currently limited to 5 people.

    $55.00 investment per person

  • Tea is a serene addition to any retreat or workshop. It can be prepared as a morning awakening meditation to nourish and ground or to create space for integration after other healing practices. This offering can be experienced at your location of choice and Ceremony lasts between 1-2 hours. Space is currently limited to 5 people.

    $55.00 investment per person